Homebased Biblical Fellowship
We use several resources to bring a broader view of Bible interpretation. Only views that glorify God and point to Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Lord of our lives, and our Savior are presented. World views that do not meet these criteria are not shared. Some views are controversial, and others may define a specific religion. Some are widely accepted, while others are not. Our hope is to provide insight on the many views that are out there so that participants may call on the Holy Spirit to lead them to the true intent of Bible content.
Resources include but are not limited to:
David Guzik Bible Commentary
John MacArthur Sermons and Library https://www.gty.org
Chuck Missler Lecture Series https://khouse.org
Austin Precept Bible Commentary
Commentaries by Book | Precept Austin
Interlinear Bible biblehub.com/interlinear